


Supporting communities that support us

It isn't our typical Reliance Hexham blog to have a horse and cow as the opening photo but there is good reason!


When thinking about the definition of "Reliance" it is used in reference to "A person or thing on which someone depends". As a company we have a passion for supporting back our customers who depend on us to supply quality products. When we were asked recently if we would like to support Julia Creek Campdraft we were excited to be a sponsor. 

Where is Julia Creek and why are we supporting them? 

Julia Creek is situated roughly 260kms east of Mount Isa and 140 kms from Cloncurry. This is where two of our long time supporters in The Evolution Ernest Henry mine and Glencore Mt Isa mines are located. 


What is Campdrafting?

Campdrafting is one of only three sports invented in Australia. The others being Australian rules Football and Polocrosse. Over the years it has evolved into a popular sport that is completed Australia wide with large amounts of prize money to be won. 

Campdrafting requires both a skilled rider and horse to complete two stages that are scored with a total of 100 points to be awarded. The first stage requires the rider to enter a small yard, choose a single steer of heifer from the cattle and keep it away from the others to show control. 

The rider then calls for the gate and proceeds to draft (work) the beast around a figure of eight course in a larger arena before finishing through the 'gate' which is two pegs placed apart. Points are awarded for horsemanship and control of the beast within a set time limit (usually 45-47 seconds). 


Reliance Hexham would like to thank the Julia Creek campdraft committee for the opportunity to support the event and special mention to Jess Bridges for organising and hosting the event.






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